CY Cyprus 塞浦路斯A Leading U.S. Container Port

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CY Cyprus 塞浦路斯A Leading U.S. Container Port

CL Chile 智利
CM Cameroon 喀麦隆(西非)
CN China 中国
CO Colombia 哥伦比亚(中美洲)
CR Costa Rica 哥斯达黎加(南美)
CU Cuba 古巴
CY Cyprus 塞浦路斯(中东)
CZ Czewch republic 捷克共国和
DE Germany 德国
DJ Djibouti 吉布提(东非)
A Leading U.S. Container Port
In Fiscal Year 2019, Port Everglades exceeded one-million TEUs (20-foot equivalent units, the industry's standard container measurement), for the sixth consecutive year, reporting a total of 1,053,078 million TEUs and maintaining its status as Florida's number one container port and the 12th leading container port in the United States, serving more than 150 ports and 70 countries.


